Teeth Whitening Specialist

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Teeth Whitening Specialist

Over-the-counter whitening pens, strips, and toothpastes can’t always get your teeth to the level of brightness you want. At the general and cosmetic dentistry practice of Goldbaum & Rosenberg Dentistry in Rockville, Maryland, Lawrence Goldbaum, DDS, and Ronald Rosenberg, DDS, offer Philips Zoom!® professional teeth whitening treatments for men and women who want a whiter smile. The Zoom! system offers in-office or at-home whitening treatments to make years of coffee, red wine, soda, and other tooth stains disappear to reveal a whiter, brighter smile. Call the office or book an appointment online to discover which Zoom! treatment is right for you.

Teeth Whitening Q & A

What’s the difference between in-office and at-home teeth-whitening treatments?

When you want to remove unsightly tooth stains and flash a brighter smile to the world, there are several advantages of in-office and at-home teeth-whitening systems. The practice offers both options so you can choose the one that works best for your needs and lifestyle. 

In-office teeth whitening

Typically, with an in-office Zoom! teeth-whitening treatment, you only need one office visit to get the desired shade of white for your stained teeth. In fact, just a single Zoom! teeth-whitening treatment can reveal a smile that’s up to eight shades brighter in just 45 minutes. This is an ideal option if you have a special occasion coming up and you want to instantly whiten your smile as quickly as possible. 

The office visit is easy and the results are immediate. Your provider at Goldbaum & Rosenberg Dentistry places a protective shield over your gums to protect them from sensitivity. Then they apply the bleaching agent containing carbamide peroxide to the surface of your teeth. 

You relax comfortably while a laser light enhances the bleaching agent and removes stains from coffee, soda, tea, and even some tobacco stains. 

At-home teeth whitening

With Zoom! at-home whitening treatments, you can whiten your teeth gradually during the day or overnight for several weeks at a time until you achieve your desired results. The practice creates custom-fit whitening trays that fit snugly over your teeth with the bleaching agent inside.

Both treatments offer little to no sensitivity to the whitening agents, so you can achieve whiter teeth without a painful experience. 

What kinds of stains can the Zoom! whitening system remove from my teeth?

Both the Zoom! in-office and at-home whitening systems remove the most common types of teeth stains, including:

  • Coffee and tea
  • Dark-colored sodas
  • Tobacco
  • Red wine

If your teeth are stained from medications such as tetracycline, veneers may be a better solution than teeth-whitening treatments. The experts at Goldbaum & Rosenberg Dentistry advise which teeth-whitening solution or cosmetic dental procedure can best revive your smile.

How long do teeth-whitening results last?

If you continue to brush and floss your teeth and maintain good oral hygiene, teeth-whitening results can last up to a year or more. You can prolong your results by quitting smoking and avoiding foods and beverages that stain your teeth. Yearly touch-up treatments either in-office or at-home keep your teeth looking their brightest.

Are you ready to leave stained, yellow teeth behind and show off your new and improved whiter smile? Call the office to schedule a consultation or click online and select the next available appointment.


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